A couple of weeks prior to departing the US, I discovered an old birding acquaintance from Texas, Steve Gast, was working in Peru. He had posted on the Birding Peru list-serv about seeing White-throated Earthcreeper in Lima Department. White-throated Earthcreeper is a cactus/scrub specialist and inhabits a narrow elevational band that supports this vegetation community. The reported location was about 200 km north of the known range and it's not the easiest identification. On the other hand, Steve is no slouch and he wouldn't stick his neck out with a post like that without being 95% and giving a possible out.
Enter Gibbons to help get the last 5% of uncertainty dispelled.
We hit a patch of vegetation that was boiling with birdsong: Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant, White-browed Chat-Tyrant, Mourning Sierra-Finch, Band-tailed Sierra-Finch, Band-tailed Seedeater, Long-tailed Mockingbirds, Bare-eyed Ground-Doves, Collared Warbling-Finch, and Great Inca-Finch come to mind. The Great Inca-Finch is one of five Incaspiza species, which are all endemic to Peru. How they all managed to get their own restricted ranges would make a nice project if it hasn't already been done.
Onward and upward to the target species we went and sure enough, the second we stepped out of the truck, a rusty blur darted below the road below. We had all the time we needed with these cooperative birds.
White-throated Earthcreeper is in the Least Concern category according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. The reasons they give for this are the size of the range and the likelihood that the species numbers are greater than 10,000 individuals. Steve's discovery means this species is more widely distributed than previously thought and so it's even less likely to be uplisted to threatened. This species appears to have a strong habitat preference for sparse scrublands with cactus (not sure of the species) and this habitat isn't currently under heavy development pressure.
With all the documentation we needed, we climbed a little further up the mountain and finally called it a day.
So if you're stuck in Lima, go birding.